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About Razor

Razor is a programming syntax used in various Microsoft technologies, primarily within the context of web development. It is often associated with ASP.NET, a web application framework developed by Microsoft for building dynamic web pages and web applications. Razor provides a more concise and expressive way to write server-side code in combination with HTML markup.

Key features and concepts of Razor syntax include:

  1. Inline Code: Razor allows developers to embed server-side code directly within HTML using the @ symbol. This enables the dynamic generation of content based on server-side data.

  2. Code Blocks: Razor supports code blocks enclosed in curly braces {}. Code blocks can include statements, conditionals, loops, and other programming constructs.

  3. Expression Evaluation: Expressions within Razor, denoted by @, are used to output the value of a variable or expression directly into the HTML markup.

  4. Conditional Statements: Razor supports conditional statements like if, else if, and else, allowing developers to create dynamic content based on conditions.

  5. Loops: Loops such as foreach and while can be used in Razor to iterate over collections and generate repeated content.

  6. Layouts: Razor layouts allow developers to define common structure and sections for a web page. Individual pages can then extend the layout and override specific sections as needed.

  7. Model Binding: In ASP.NET MVC, Razor can bind server-side models to the view, allowing for seamless integration of data into the presentation layer.

  8. Partial Views: Razor supports partial views, which are reusable components of a view that can be included within other views.

  9. HTML Helpers: Razor provides HTML helpers that generate HTML markup and make it easier to work with forms, links, and other web elements.

  10. View Components: In ASP.NET Core, Razor supports view components, which are similar to partial views but offer more functionality and can encapsulate logic.

Razor syntax enhances the development experience by reducing the need to switch between code and markup, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code. It is widely used in ASP.NET applications for creating dynamic and data-driven web pages. Additionally, Razor syntax can be used in Razor Pages, Blazor (a framework for building interactive web applications using C# and .NET), and other related technologies in the Microsoft ecosystem.

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